When Ron was 10... |
...And when he was 17 |
Throughout the years, Ron has been in every movie and book. He started when he was ten, then ended when he was 17. Many things happened to Ron through his years at Hogwarts. In his first year, he met Harry and Hermione, and they instantly became best friends. Durning that year, they had there first adventure together. In his second year, Ron's sister, Ginny, gets cursed by Tom Riddle's diary and they set out to find the chamber of secrets. During his third year, Hermoine plays a bigger part in it then Ron. They discover that Ron's rat is really a human, and that Lupin is a werewolf. And they find Sirius Black and learn about his connection to Harry. In his fourth year, the Weasley's invite Harry and Hermoine to come to the Qudditch World Cup with them. Ron is in awe of his favorite player, Viktor Krum. Hes even more excited when Viktor comes to Hogwarts to compete in The Triwizard Tournament. For the Yule Ball, Ron takes Padma Patil, and Harry takes her sister. Ron realizes he likes Hermoine, but doesn't actually admit it to himself. In his fith year, Ron is appointed a Gryffindor perfect. Ron also wins for the Quidditch Cup. In his last year at Hogwarts, Lavender Brown starts liking Ron. Ron countinues as Keeper on the Gryffindor Quidditch team. When Ron kisses Lavender, this sets off Hermoine, and she doenst talk to him for weeks. THis also starts the dating of Ron and Lavender. After Hogwarts, in the last book/movie, (spoiler alert for anyone who has not seen the last movie!!) Ron joins Harry and Hermoine to destroy the last of Voldermort's Horcruxes. In a fight with Bellatrix Estange, Dobby is seared with a knife, and dies. In the end, Harry kills Lord Voldormort. Epilouge: Ron marries Hermoine and they have two children: Rose Weasley, and Hugo Weasley.
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