The blog thats all about Ron Weasley and the Wizarding world: not about Rupert Grint or Harry Potter!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Hi! My name is Camille Kirby (a.ka. red headed rockstar!!!) and I'm the owner of Ron Weasley: The Man Who Shoudv'e Been Harry Potter. Heres a little about myself: I live in Brooklyn, NY and go to middle school. I was born in Boston, Massuchsettes, and raised in Seattle, Washington. I have 4 cats, Olive, Daisy, Etta, and Fairway. And one dog, Milo.  I LOVE dolphins and Harry Potter!!! I love to swim, dance, write my blogs, and cuddle my pets! Nows heres a little bit about my blog: Now all of you who are reading this write now, problay know who Harry Potter is. If not, I simply don't understand why your here! Anyways, I believe Ron Weasley is the best character in Harry Potter ever!!!!By the way, this is about Ron Weasley NOT Rupirt Grint!! (the dude who plays Ron Weasley) Harry Potter is evil and totally not that cool. Ron is SUPER cool and is funny, handsome, awesome, marvelous, brilliant, goofy... I can go on forever! So thats just a peak at was this blog is about! (It also has stuff about my other two favorite characters:Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom) Bye!!

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