The blog thats all about Ron Weasley and the Wizarding world: not about Rupert Grint or Harry Potter!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Heres all I know about the best person in the whole world:
He was born on March 1, 1980. Hes a pure-blood wizard. His mom is Molly Weasley and his dad is Arthur Weasley. His paternal grandparents are Septimus and Cedrella Weasley. He has six siblings, Bill, Charlie, Fred, George, Ginny and Percy. He was raised in the burrow in Ottery St. Catchpole, Devon. He had one pet, Scabbers the rat. His birth name was Ronald Bilius Weasley. Ronald means "Having the God's powers". His other "nicknames" are: Luna called him Ronald instead of Ron, Dobby called him Wheezly, Professer Slughorn called him Ralph or Rupert by mistake, and Lavender called him Won-Won. Ron has blue eyes, flaming red hair, hes tall, thin, with freckles and big hands and feet. In his first year, which was 1991, he was put into Gryffindor. His Yule Ball date was Padma Patil (that didn't end out so well). He played keeper for Qudditch and earned 7 OWLS in Astronomy, Care of Magical Creatures, Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Herbology, Potions, and Transfiguartion. He did not recieve any "Os" (outstanding). His first wand was his older brothers, Charlie's. His second wand was a 14 inch willow containing one unicorn tail hair. His first broom was an old Shooting Star. He used it until late 1994, then he had a Cleansweep 11 in 1995. He was in Dumbledor's Army and was great at Chess, analysis, and strategy. He tends to always be wrong when hes serious, and right when he is joking. Ron's Patrounus is a Jack Russel Terrier and his Boggart is a Spider. He has untidy handwriting, and had a short, and annoying relationship with Lavender Brown. Thats all for now!!

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